Die Kraft der Weiblichkeit -Verletzte Souveränität

Vernissage: 23. Jänner 2025  19:30 Uhr

Ausstellung: 24.Jänner bis 26. Feber 2025

Künstlerhof Schau 2024 Nov 7 – Dec 13

Asma Kocjan and Prof. Johann Baumgartner
with her selected artwork
Bridging Minds – Shaping Future
100 x 100 cm | 2024
Curated by Dr. Tanja Gurke


Grand opening of the Raiffeisen headquarters with art by Asma Kocjan

Numerous customers took a look at the new 
RLB competence center on Radetzkystrasse 
at the ceremonial opening of the Raiffeisenhaus. 
In the private banking area, Asma Kocjan showed 
her exhibition "Dedicated to the Beautiful Life" 
for which she also created a painting of 
Raiffeisen-founder Friedrich W. Raiffeisen. 
“The image powerfully symbolizes that something 
new and innovative can emerge from a symbiosis 
of tradition and modernity. This is entirely in 
keeping with the Raiffeisen idea and applies not 
only to art, but also to the world of finance," 
said General Director Martin Schaller.

General Director MMag Martin Schaller and Asma 
Kocjan at the unveiling of the commissioned work 
about the founder Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen. 

September 27th 2024

Vernissage Wirtschaftsbund Steiermark | January 31st 2024 | Graz


Wirtschaftkammer Präsident Josef Herk und Künstlerin Asma Kocjan bei der Vernissage der aktuellen Kunstausstellung ihrer neuesten Werke. Die Ausstellung läuft bis 18. März 2024 im Wirtschaftsbund Steiermark, Zusertalgasse 2, 8010 Graz.  Sie ist von Mo bis Fr von 09:00 bis 17.00 Uhr geöffnet

– Vienna Gallery – „Bodies & Portraits“ Vernissage January 11th 2024 – 18:00 h


Otmar Zehetmayr

+43 699 1810 8001

Schulgasse 40 / Ecke Martinstraße
AT-1180 Wien

Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 14-19 Uhr, Sa 10-14 Uhr

X-Mas Group Show at Bakerhouse Gallery

Bakerhouse Gallery
Hergottwiesgasse 125, 8010 Graz, Austria

Vernissage – December 1 st 2023
Opening hours: Tuesday – Thursday  09:00 – 17:00 hours

Kunstausstellung im Merkur Campus in Graz | Conrad-von-Hötzendorfstraße 84, 8010 Graz

Ab 19. September  (Vernissage) erwartet dich ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis bei uns im Merkur Campus!

Es uns eine große Ehre die Grazer Künstlerin Asma Kocian mit ihrer atemberaubenden Kunstwerken „From Outside to Inside“ in unserem Kunstcampus ausstellen zu dürfen! Mit viel Kreativität und Fingerspitzengefühl gelingt es Asma mit ihrem expressiven und abstrakten Stil das Äussere nach innen zu bringen.

Gleichzeitig verpackt sie gekonnt bekannte Persönlichkeiten und Elemente aus der Modewelt in ihren Werken. Lass dich von einer unvergesslichen Ausstellung voll wunderbarer Überraschungen und faszinierenden Momenten begeistern!
Vom 20.9. bis 28.10.2023
Mo – Fr: 6:00 – 22:00
Sa, So:   8:00 – 20:00

Kulturzeitung 80

Kunst am Attersee by Bakerhouse Gallery

See you there with some of my Artworks!

Steiermark Exclusiv Magazin

Summer 2023

Bakerhouse Gallery – Exhibition May 5th until June 5th 2023



Two of five artworks at Bakerhouse Gallery  www.bakerhousegallery.com

exhibited artworks by Asma Kocjan.


Serenity   81,5 x 100 cm | 2023
Acrylic-collage-technique on canvas,
gold leaf, epoxy          view more
You know I’m not good  70 x 70 cm
Acrylic-collage-technique on canvas,
gold leaf, epoxy.        view more

Art Exhibition at Südsteiermark Classic


Heuer gibt es bei der Südsteiermark-Classic eine besondere Kunstausstellung der bekannten und international erfolgreichen Grazer Künstlerin Asma Kocjan.


mehr lesen

Asma Kocjan presents Legends

Great install by Asma Kocjan


Spectacle 95 x 95 cm  | 2023    Mixed acrylic on canvas, gold leaf

St. Moritz February 2023


click here


Represented at Art Muc 2023

ARTMUC 2023 | March 24th – 26th
MTC Locations Ingolstädterstrasse 45
Munich, Germany

Auction „Licht ins Dunkel“ for handicapped children

My work of art, which I donated to Austria’s largest charity event „Licht ins Dunkel“, achieved a price of  € 15.000,-

The philosophy of the association LICHT IN DUNKEL is the material and non-material support of handicapped children and their families.


Life is What You Make of It  112 x 95 cm | 2022  by Asma Kocjan

Acrylic-collage-technique on canvas, epoxy

Sponsor: Asma Kocjan ASMA ART
Many thanks to MMag. Martin Schaller, General Director Raiffeisen, for having bought this artwork and thus making a major contribution to children in need.



Feiner Strich mit starkem Ausdruck

Represented at KÜNSTLERHOF-SCHAU 2022, Hofgalerie STEIERMARKHOF Graz

Current article in the cultural newspaper Kulturzeitung 80

October 2022

Upcoming Event Exhibition – On pulse of Time


Exhibition at St. Martin Castle,
Kehlbergstraße 35, Graz, Austria


Vernissage, November 16th 2022.
Opening by Curator Anna Thaler.
Laudatio by Josef Herk, President
Chamber of Commerce.


In cooperation with VIVAMAYR, Asma Kocjan was commissioned to furnish the hotel with 30 works of art. The exhibition can be seen on four floors of the first class medical health resort on the beautiful Woerthersee.
ART SPACE     vivamayr.com

Spirit Magazin

April 2022

Art Studio Opening

My new Art Studio & Gallery has opened since November 2021




for appointments please contact by Email: info@asma-art.at

Art Project for Hypobank Steiermark

Kalender 2021



Art Innsbruck

ART Salzburg

The artist is personally present


La Biennale di Venezia issue

Asma Kocjan is featured as contemporary artist in the La Biennale di Venezia issue of World of Art



Recent artworks by Asma Kocjan


Gallery Ursula Stross until April 10th

Joanneumring 6, 8010 Graz, Austria



Important world artists

Ibiza Art Fair

Asma Kocjan’s Artwork „La Femme Sensuelle“ is the promotional medium for the Ibiza Art Fair


Solo Exhibition Maria Wörth


Vernissage on the opening of the new Headquaters of SVS on June 28, 2018 with high representatives of politics and economy.



Ehibition of 5 more large-format pieces of art.

SVS Making of




1200 x 200 cm acrylic on plexi glass

Commissioned work for the lobby of the Social Insurance Institution Headquaters by Asma Kocjan

Reduced & Seduced


Vernissage of Exhibition TRANSPARENCY in the Art Nouveau house of Hypo Bank Stmk.



Hypo-GenDir. Martin Gölles and Asma Kocjan presented on June 7th 2018 her works of art.

Art and Charity



SPECIAL 9 – Styrian top artists painted to support the Special Olympics. A charity event hosted by the President of the Styrian Parliament Dr. Bettina Vollath the Governor of Rotary Arno Kronhofer.


Styrian Art goes Zagreb

Museum Mimara


Rooseveltov trg 5, 10000 Zagreb

Mittwoch 6. September 2017  19:00 Uhr




Art Beat in the Sky

Art by Asma Kocjan | Flying Food by Herbert Schmidhofer | Music by DJ EmeeGrant


Solo exhibition Wirtschaftsbund Steiermark

Vernissage by Asma Kocjan www.asma-art.at

The power of femininity
